Throughout the course of a marriage, spouses may acquire various property, both together and individually. It may be in many forms as well such as homes, cars, bank accounts, investment accounts, retirement accounts, collectables, household goods and other forms....
Modifying a child custody order in North Carolina
Child custody is often one of the most painful and difficult issues in a divorce with minor children. Parental agreement is, of course, one of the best ways to resolve custody disputes, but parents often disagree for what they believe to be the best for a variety of...
Is it better for me to settle or go to trial for my divorce?
When spouses separate, issues may come up during every stage that can complicate matters. From adhering to North Carolina asset division laws for your marital property to the calculation of child support payments or alimony, getting through the basic procedures of a...
How divorce works in North Carolina
When a marriage comes to its natural end, it can be hard for the partners to accept their relationship is over. They may have concerns about what divorce will do to their finances, how it will impact their abilities to parent their kids, and how it will affect their...
Child support and taxes
Child support is often a significant expense, and it is important for all parents involved to understand the impact of child support on their finances. Tax neutral According to the IRS, child support is not taxable to the recipient spouse. These payments are tax...
Protecting your wallet during divorce
Many issues and emotions grab your attention when you end your marriage. But you should come up with a financial plan to pay your expenses and secure your financial future after divorce. First, know what assets you have and their value so you can negotiate a fair...