Be Aware Of Your Financial Rights After Divorce Or Separation
Spousal support can be a contentious issue during a divorce. Whether you are seeking fair spousal support after marriage or you are fighting an unjust claim, our team at Lehnhardt Price Family Law in Union County, North Carolina, will work for a fair outcome. Our experienced attorneys will start the process by making sure you are aware of your legal rights and obligations. From there, we will work with you to determine the right course of action.
How Spousal Support Works In North Carolina
Often known as alimony, spousal support is a way for someone who relied on their spouse for financial support during the marriage to continue getting that assistance after divorce or legal separation. Many people lack the training or job experience to earn a substantial income immediately after their marriage has ended. In North Carolina, spousal support usually lasts for a set period of time, to give the recipient time to become financially independent. In limited cases, however, the court will order permanent alimony.
In many situations, we will attempt to negotiate a fair agreement of spousal support claims. This will allow you to avoid going to court, which can be costly and time-consuming. If your former spouse can’t be reasonable, however, we will put our years of experience to work fighting for your rights in this area. Whatever path your alimony matter takes, you can rely on our team of lawyers to reach a fair result for you.
Let Us Help You With Your Alimony Dispute
Please call 704-635-6278 or contact us to go over your unique situation and learn more about what we can do for you. Our office is in Monroe, North Carolina.