Aggressive Representation For Domestic Violence Cases
If you have been a victim of domestic violence, it is critical that you take legal action immediately. Our team can assist you in obtaining a restraining order and take any other legal action needed. The attorneys of Lehnhardt Price Family Law represent people who have experienced domestic violence. One of our partners, Dana B. Lehnhardt or Jessica E. Price, will personally handle every aspect of your case. We will make sure you get the legal protections you need.
Getting A Restraining Order In North Carolina
If you are being abused by your spouse, another family member, another member of your household or your co-parent, you can seek a domestic violence protective order (DVPO). If the judge approves your application, your abuser may not threaten, stalk or harass you or they will risk being sent to jail. If you and you abuser lived together, you would get to stay in your home, while your abuser must live elsewhere. One of our lawyers can help you fill out a DVPO application. We will represent you at the hearing and argue why you need a restraining order.
Defense Against False Domestic Assault Accusations
While domestic violence is a very real threat, false accusations are also quite common. If you have been unjustly accused of any type of domestic violence, you need an effective defense ready to present to the court. For example, your right to see your children could be at risk. We can represent you at the DVPO hearing and provide a strong defense.
Get In Touch As Soon As You Can
Contact us at 704-635-6278 to discuss your situation and get the legal help you need during this difficult time. Our family law attorneys are dedicated to protecting your best interests.