4 Benefits of Having a Separation Agreement – Lehnhardt Price Family Law

On Behalf of | Apr 30, 2019 | Divorce, Family Law |

If your marriage is having difficulties and you decide to separate, a Separation Agreement may be a good option for resolving marital claims, including child custody, child support, alimony, and property division. A Separation Agreement is a contract that is done without court involvement, which allows you to keep legal costs down and avoid the uncertainty, stress and time-consuming litigation process. Avoiding court may be your primary goal, but there are many other benefits to having a Separation Agreement in place. Take a moment to read through five of the most significant benefits that may apply to your situation.

Keeping Legal Costs Down

Going to court can be expensive.  Your lawyer and their team will spend countless hours preparing your case for trial.  In addition, you may miss many days of work either preparing for court, meeting with your attorneys, and going to court.  A Separation Agreement is typically a more affordable alternative to resolving your legal issues with your spouse.

Avoiding the Uncertainty

If you go to court, a judge that does not know you, your family, or your situation is going to have to make a decision about your case based on the information provided by you and your attorneys.  A Separation Agreement allows you to control the outcome and resolution of your claims.

Reducing Stress on Your Family

Litigation can be traumatic for you, your family, and your children due to fighting your claims in a public forum, the expense involved, and the time required to effectively protect your claims.  Even if you do not discuss court with your children, they are often very tuned into the stress that their parents are under, which can have an impact on their emotional well-being and relationships with each of their parents.  Also, often in litigation, other people get brought into the fight – including neighbors, friends, and family members. A Separation Agreement can reduce the stress for everyone involved.

Litigation Can be Time Consuming

Waiting on your case to be heard by a judge can often take months and, depending on the claims involved, can even take years.  A Separation Agreement can be a much faster way to resolve your claims without being at the mercy of the court’s dockets.

Your Family is Our Focus

If you are currently separated or are considering separation, we are here for you. Contact Lenhardt Price Family Law to schedule a consultation and see how we can help you.